Friday, September 17, 2010

Worry Free Friday!

Welcome Friday! 
Todays agenda includes..NOTHING... no study cramming, homework doing, or anything school related for that amazing is that? This day not only brings relaxing naps and quality girl time with my roomies, but will also bring a handsome young gentlemen by the name of Bryce boyfriend :), which will make this weekend that much sweeter! Now that there is a hint of autumn breeze in the air I cannot wait to spend my time these next few days enjoying the great outdoors...
Tonight will hopefully consist of a romantic stroll on the beach..holding hands while watching the sun set over the horizon..
ahhh now doesn't that just sound PERFECT?
Saturday morning will consist of a early cup of coffee or possibly a festive Pumpkin spice latte..mmmm...
 ...followed by an intense tennis match.. that I will win ;)... kidding of course!
To end my perfect weekend on Sunday I will be getting my "outdoor-sy" on by taking a group kayaking trip to Masonboro island where we will 
enjoy nature and engage in some Yoga on the shore! I seriously cannot wait!!!
I am greeting the new season with open arms... Fall means pumpkin carving, pie eating, and the beautiful sight of colorful trees baring leaves of reds,oranges and yellows! I am BEYOND excited for fall as well as my amazing weekend I have ahead of me...

It is going to be eventful but I am going to enjoy every minute of it! 
Enjoy the weekend... clear your mind of all worries.. and enter the new season with a freed spirit! 
Until next time...

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