Thursday, September 30, 2010

Myrtle Beach Girls Weekend!

So my little blogging loves...
   As promised, I would love to inform you all about my AMAZING weekend at Myrtle Beach! I had such a great time with my girls and I am so lucky to have captured all the fun memories with my camera. On Saturday we departed for our hour and a half drive...Miley, Michael Buble, and Mike Posner tagged along for the ride...
    Here we are posing and singing :) on our way to Myrtle!
We arrived at the Sheraton hotel, which was simply stunning... 
not to mention that they had the most comfy beds!!!
This is what we were blessed to look at through our huge window
... the water was soooo beautiful!
After settling in, we all decided to head to Dicks Last Resort for dinner...
I think this photo says it all! We were laughing the entire time.
After dinner we walked around barefoot landing to do some shopping!
We ran into some fun mirrors... look at me with some long legs!! 
I wish that this was real life...:( but it was nice pretending!
Oh lordy.. then we stumbled across a store that had an entire wall of masks...
We spent at least an hour trying them all on...take a look...HA!
But overall the night was spent doing
 girly things...
You know, like jumping on beds and posing for a snap shot...
Talking about boys, about how they frustrate us at times...
but how we sure love them :)
and dancing like no one is watching.. 
I think I was getting a little bit too into it ha!
and don't forget laughing until we cannot laugh no longer...
The night was nothing less than perfect!
 Sunday then followed bringing rain clouds and thunder...
  as well as soup and salad from Olive Garden mmmm yummy!
Kelsey even made a smiley face in her soup...
We then walked around Broadway and the beach..
My sweet tooth got the best of me which resulted in a pound of candy from
"Its Sugar Candy Shop" I seriously was in heaven... 
Worn out from the rain and shopping we departed for the purpose for our trip...
We were so lucky to be parked right next to the stage!
Vizzy was the first act of the night, he was AWESOME 
Next came Bad Rabbit...
Followed by Far East Movement!! Like a G6!!!!!!!
After a lot of anticipation it was time for the one and only MIKE POSNER.. 
I can honestly say that we all danced and sang the ENTIRE time!
We were so upset
 that the perfect weekend had to end...
..but we had such a great time laughing and making memories that we will never forget! 
Until next time,

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