Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Heartache at the age of three

Why do boys always make girls cry?
I have come to the conclusion that every girl has/ will get her heart broken at one point or another.. but I never thought that heart break could occur at the age of three. Just a few minutes ago my roommate Kelsey showed me this video and it seriously melted my heart.. just watch it and you will see what I mean. Make sure you watch it until the end when the phone rings.. its the best part!
Watch Video Here!
So if you have gotten your heart broken from Justin Bieber (got a case of the "bieber fever") or any other boy for that matter REMEMBER that tomorrow is a new day with new experiences! Go buy a carton of ben and jerrys icecream and get yo eat on. Everything will be okay :), I promise!
Until next time...

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