Saturday, September 25, 2010

Operation Birthday X2

So I have neglected to tell you all about my exciting birthday adventures! Lets just say that Kelsey and I are "birthday-ed" out! So here it goes...September 21st was my roommate Jordan's 21st special birthday... this was a BIG deal so Katie, Kelsey and I decided to celebrate in the wee hours of the night morning. We woke up around 2:45am to decorate the apartment which turned out GREAT!  We then decided to wake up the birthday princess at around 3am. We did this by banging pots and pans until she opened her door (our neighbors loved it...). Then followed a silly string surprise as well as her first LEGAL shot :)! Luckily I was able to capture everything! So enjoy...
(Sorry for the format.. it is sideways I  couldn't figure out how to turn it)
We also made a birthday cake! We were craving angel food cake with cool whip and sweet strawberries.. so we created this masterpiece! The writing is looking a little rough.. but the cake boss would of been so proud :)
  We made sure that our living room was looking nice and birthday festive!
 Here is the birthday princess post birthday shot! *Notice the crown :)*
 So next...was round two....
The very next day, September 22nd was my other roommate Katie's 19th birthday (she is the baby of the apartment)... We wanted to make her birthday equally as special as Jordan's so Kelsey and I thought of something new! Since Katie doesn't go to bed until 4 in the morning, we decided to wake her up around 5:45 for her birthday surprise. Earlier in the night Kelsey and I painted our schools rock in honor of our little birthday princess #2!  We also wanted to try another wake up call approach which resulted in Kelsey and I running and jumping in her bed while singing happy birthday :)... and we made sure not to forget the silly string! Here is Katie's birthday wake up...

Here is Katie decked out in her birthday crown at 5:45am.. crazy crazy!
We then blindfolded her and took her to see her birthday rock!
Now that you been caught up on all of the birthday fun...
I am happy to say that it has come to an end. Yes birthdays are exciting and I have had such a good time celebrating with my lovely roomies but lets just say that I don't want to celebrate another birthday for awhile... and I am sure that Kelsey agrees! Jordan and Katie if you are reading this...I hope you had a GREAT special day.. you both deserve it! Anyways now that I have filled you all in on my busy week adventures, I am ready to hit Myrtle Beach for a relaxing/crazy GIRLS WEEKEND! Updates will follow I promise!
Until Next time,

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