Thursday, September 9, 2010

Becoming a Yogi

 So now that the new semester is among us... so are those BELOVED first tests and projects. Trust me... I know the pain. After taking my first Genetics exam and finishing my art sculpture today, my brain could definitely use some recovery time! Not to mention, I also have two more exams in my near future...Anyways, it is just in my nature to stress out...

Basically what I'm trying to get across is...
 The importance of recovery, relaxation, and just plain old "ME" time. Life is just too darn wonderful to spend it being frustrated and stressed. What does it help anyways? So... to solve this problem I have decided to dedicate promise some of my time (that I would normally spend stressing out) towards being a Yogi!

Yogi: A term to describe a practitioner of various forms of spiritual practice.
 A lot of people don't know that I work as a yoga instructor at a local gym.  I am honestly hooked on YOGA... I just cannot get enough of the beauty and simplicity of the art. So to stop the new semester stress dedicate a few minutes to try yoga out! Even if you are not stressed and are in need of some quality "ME" time just find an empty spot of your floor and try this position: 
This position is called Lotus. Cross legged is always
another option if lotus is too advanced.

For this exercise, make sure to have a nice straight posture as well as a relaxed, yet straight, spine. Closing the eyes really helps calm the body down. Learning how to take deep breaths are really important in medication and essential in Yoga. Just take a second to empty the body of worries and RELAX.. remember to take nice deep inhales through your nose and release it out slowly through your mouth. Repeat this a few more times or until the body feels calm and collected! So now that your body is nice and relaxed, you are now ready to take on those first tests, projects, work, or just daily obstacles that we may encounter! Hope this helps!!!

Until Next time...

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