Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mooshie Gooshie Mood!

I am happy to report that I have made it through my STRESSFUL day! My girls weekend is in sight and I can't wait to spend time with my lovely roomies. We will be staying in Myrtle for the weekend to enjoy some sunshine, shopping sprees, and MIKE POSNER :). I seriously cannot wait ... even though my weekend sounds PERFECT (which it practically is...) there are some things that it's missing: One, being my amazing family.. I am so home sick it is crazy! But I am trying to hang in there and look on the bright side... I will have ALL fall break to spend with them. Ah I can't wait to enjoy mama's home cooking as well as poker games at the kitchen table with everyone, and I can't forget the feeling of sleeping in my bed at home.. where I sleep like a baby!
Another missing piece to my weekend puzzle is a young fellow by the name of Brycey Bryce :). At the moment I am in what my mom would call a "mooshie gooshie" mood... mostly because I am missing the boy more than ever! So with that being said, I decided to dedicate the next few photos and sweet words to him...
How sweet it is to be loved by you....
Thank you for making me smile and laugh everyday...
Thank you for loving me for my imperfections...

thank you for being my matching goof ball...

But most importantly, thank you for being all mine
:) only one more week until we reunite!
Until next time,

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