Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Blues?

Happy Monday!! Oh Mondays... I find it so funny that this particular day of the week gets such a bad reputation... after all it is the day that you reflect on everything that happened during your amazing weekend! So if you have a case of the Monday blues just take a second to be thankful for a chance to enter a whole new week with a different mindset, as well as a fresh start! As for me...I'm sorry to have neglected the blogging scene this weekend but my weekend was eventful to say the least!

Here is a recap of the festivities...
My family came over to celebrate Rosh Hashanah which meant my mom and papa were cooking up a storm!
Chef Marvin himself! The food was beyond delicious
The whole family came over to eat... including this pretty baby girl...
                                                               Precious puggle pup Bella
   Saturday was beyond busy! It was the night of "Pay It Forward," which is an annual event that raises money to help financially support families in need when going through the terrible illness of cancer. A few months ago I was asked to be a live artist at the event to create a piece that would be auctioned off towards the cause (funding patients and families). It is an AMAZING organization because it is a chance to give rather than receive and I think it is such a beautiful cause! I was nervous excited to be apart of it!! Anyways.. so to start off the day I saw my favorite family, the Newbys. I babysat Cam and we had such a great time! Inspired by Jordan's post, I took Cam with me to get a manicure for the BIG event. I fell in love with the OPI color "Lucky Lucky Lavender." It matched my dress perfectly as well as gave me the luck I needed for the night! Next I played the role of the "soccer mom" by cheering on Cameron at his soccer game. They lost... but he did great!
     After babysitting it was time for "Pay It Forward!" 
Heres a few pictures from the event...
          Getting Started on the piece! AH!                                    Donna and I. She is on the committee board for CCF.

The band "Mr. Potato Head" played.. they were perfect for the event
                                The BEAUTIFUL ballroom with people shaking their groove things!
Four hours later it was complete...
"Endless Stream of Hope"
             My Aunt Susan, Mom, Me, Aunt Carolyn, Boyfriend :)                                  Debra Morgan!
Mom and I toasting to a magnificent night!
It was such an amazing experience...
one that ill never forget. My painting then moved to the auction where it sold/raised close to $4,000 towards helping families in need. Not only was this a great event, it was a HUGE learning experience for me. It has established a strong drive within me to continue to help those in need. It is such a rewarding feeling... I highly encourage everyone to go out and make a difference. I am already planning for the 2011 "Pay It Forward" event! Here is a picture of the family who received the final bid for my painting: 
God Bless them! They were just the sweetest family.
Sunday then followed...
which is a day that I formed a love/hate relationship with.

Hate because I spent it studying this...

Ew... organic chemistry. Enough said.
Love because I got to spend it with him...
Oh hey there cute boy! :) <3

Overall I had a GREAT weekend.. I got to spend it with those that I love adore and now that Monday is among me as well as a brand new week.. I  cannot help but get excited to see what new opportunities it has in store!
Until Next time...

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