Monday, September 20, 2010

Just call me a "Hoarder"

So just recently I have taken up the nickname of "Hoarder" by my roommates..For those who are not aware with the TLC show or the term for that matter let me refresh your minds:
Hoarding is the excessive acquisition of possessions
The reason why my roommates have been picking fun of me is pictured below...
Yea, yea, yea... I know my room was looking like a hot mess..BUT in my defense this was the result of a beyond busy week! On Friday, I decided that the "Hoarder" nickname had to go! I had enough of my messy room and I was just so ready to see my carpet floor again!!!  So I finally took action... 
A nice clean floor and an organized desk never felt so good!
:) Yay for a freshly made bed! I was so proud of myself...NOW my main concern (crossing my fingers) is that I can keep up with this cleanliness... I don't know about this one, but only time will tell :)

P.S. Aren't these sunflowers just precious? I was surprised with them yesterday.. they are just so beautiful! All thanks to my lovely boyfriend Bryce! We celebrated our growing feelings for each other as well as 3 months of laughing, kissing and memory making! (Get it? Three flowers for 3 months?) I thought it was so sweet and clever.

But anyways... 
I am happy to report that my room is still in tip-top shape. But most importantly I am relieved to say that I am no longer a Hoarder! 
Until Next time,


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