Thursday, September 30, 2010

Falling In Love With Fall Break

Well hello there fall break...
I am so glad that you are finally here!
Tis the season to be jumping in a pile of crisp fallen leaves, snacking on freshly roasted pumpkin seeds, and enjoying the embrace of a warm comfy cardigan! I am just filled with the spirit of fall...I guess you can say that I have "Fallen for Fall!" To start the season off right, I am heading home to relax and spend the next 5 days snuggled up to the ones that I love.. doesn't that just sound perfect? Ah I seriously cannot wait! With that being said I must get my butt on the road.. I have a handsome young gentlemen, as well as a loving family, and a coffee shop that await me!  

On a side note...
Fall is not fall without some warm comfort food! 
So to serve as a reminder motivator for myself, I have included a delicious recipe for banana bread. My roommate Kelsey and I have been dreaming about this bread for days now and once we get back from fall break this is going to be our first fall creation! Enjoy :)

Banana Bread


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt


Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Butter a 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pan.
Cream the sugar and butter in a large mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
In a small bowl, mash the bananas with a fork. Mix in the milk and cinnamon. In another bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
Add the banana mixture to the creamed mixture and stir until combined. Add dry ingredients, mixing just until flour disappears.
Pour batter into prepared pan and bake 1 hour to 1 hour 10 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Set aside to cool on a rack for 15 minutes. Remove bread from pan, invert onto rack and cool completely before slicing.
Spread slices with honey or serve with ice cream.
Happy Fall Everyone!
Until Next time...

Myrtle Beach Girls Weekend!

So my little blogging loves...
   As promised, I would love to inform you all about my AMAZING weekend at Myrtle Beach! I had such a great time with my girls and I am so lucky to have captured all the fun memories with my camera. On Saturday we departed for our hour and a half drive...Miley, Michael Buble, and Mike Posner tagged along for the ride...
    Here we are posing and singing :) on our way to Myrtle!
We arrived at the Sheraton hotel, which was simply stunning... 
not to mention that they had the most comfy beds!!!
This is what we were blessed to look at through our huge window
... the water was soooo beautiful!
After settling in, we all decided to head to Dicks Last Resort for dinner...
I think this photo says it all! We were laughing the entire time.
After dinner we walked around barefoot landing to do some shopping!
We ran into some fun mirrors... look at me with some long legs!! 
I wish that this was real life...:( but it was nice pretending!
Oh lordy.. then we stumbled across a store that had an entire wall of masks...
We spent at least an hour trying them all on...take a look...HA!
But overall the night was spent doing
 girly things...
You know, like jumping on beds and posing for a snap shot...
Talking about boys, about how they frustrate us at times...
but how we sure love them :)
and dancing like no one is watching.. 
I think I was getting a little bit too into it ha!
and don't forget laughing until we cannot laugh no longer...
The night was nothing less than perfect!
 Sunday then followed bringing rain clouds and thunder...
  as well as soup and salad from Olive Garden mmmm yummy!
Kelsey even made a smiley face in her soup...
We then walked around Broadway and the beach..
My sweet tooth got the best of me which resulted in a pound of candy from
"Its Sugar Candy Shop" I seriously was in heaven... 
Worn out from the rain and shopping we departed for the purpose for our trip...
We were so lucky to be parked right next to the stage!
Vizzy was the first act of the night, he was AWESOME 
Next came Bad Rabbit...
Followed by Far East Movement!! Like a G6!!!!!!!
After a lot of anticipation it was time for the one and only MIKE POSNER.. 
I can honestly say that we all danced and sang the ENTIRE time!
We were so upset
 that the perfect weekend had to end...
..but we had such a great time laughing and making memories that we will never forget! 
Until next time,

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rain, Rain... Go Away

Dear Rain Clouds,
I have had enough rain these past few days to last me a lifetime :).. so please if you could move yourselves else where so I can feel the warm rays of sunshine on my skin once again I would really appreciate it. Please take no offense to this request... you are loved when I am lying in bed sleeping...
but today I have places to be! 
Picture I took on the way to volunteer at the hospital on Monday. College Rd= river!
Sincerely yours,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Operation Birthday X2

So I have neglected to tell you all about my exciting birthday adventures! Lets just say that Kelsey and I are "birthday-ed" out! So here it goes...September 21st was my roommate Jordan's 21st special birthday... this was a BIG deal so Katie, Kelsey and I decided to celebrate in the wee hours of the night morning. We woke up around 2:45am to decorate the apartment which turned out GREAT!  We then decided to wake up the birthday princess at around 3am. We did this by banging pots and pans until she opened her door (our neighbors loved it...). Then followed a silly string surprise as well as her first LEGAL shot :)! Luckily I was able to capture everything! So enjoy...
(Sorry for the format.. it is sideways I  couldn't figure out how to turn it)
We also made a birthday cake! We were craving angel food cake with cool whip and sweet strawberries.. so we created this masterpiece! The writing is looking a little rough.. but the cake boss would of been so proud :)
  We made sure that our living room was looking nice and birthday festive!
 Here is the birthday princess post birthday shot! *Notice the crown :)*
 So next...was round two....
The very next day, September 22nd was my other roommate Katie's 19th birthday (she is the baby of the apartment)... We wanted to make her birthday equally as special as Jordan's so Kelsey and I thought of something new! Since Katie doesn't go to bed until 4 in the morning, we decided to wake her up around 5:45 for her birthday surprise. Earlier in the night Kelsey and I painted our schools rock in honor of our little birthday princess #2!  We also wanted to try another wake up call approach which resulted in Kelsey and I running and jumping in her bed while singing happy birthday :)... and we made sure not to forget the silly string! Here is Katie's birthday wake up...

Here is Katie decked out in her birthday crown at 5:45am.. crazy crazy!
We then blindfolded her and took her to see her birthday rock!
Now that you been caught up on all of the birthday fun...
I am happy to say that it has come to an end. Yes birthdays are exciting and I have had such a good time celebrating with my lovely roomies but lets just say that I don't want to celebrate another birthday for awhile... and I am sure that Kelsey agrees! Jordan and Katie if you are reading this...I hope you had a GREAT special day.. you both deserve it! Anyways now that I have filled you all in on my busy week adventures, I am ready to hit Myrtle Beach for a relaxing/crazy GIRLS WEEKEND! Updates will follow I promise!
Until Next time,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mooshie Gooshie Mood!

I am happy to report that I have made it through my STRESSFUL day! My girls weekend is in sight and I can't wait to spend time with my lovely roomies. We will be staying in Myrtle for the weekend to enjoy some sunshine, shopping sprees, and MIKE POSNER :). I seriously cannot wait ... even though my weekend sounds PERFECT (which it practically is...) there are some things that it's missing: One, being my amazing family.. I am so home sick it is crazy! But I am trying to hang in there and look on the bright side... I will have ALL fall break to spend with them. Ah I can't wait to enjoy mama's home cooking as well as poker games at the kitchen table with everyone, and I can't forget the feeling of sleeping in my bed at home.. where I sleep like a baby!
Another missing piece to my weekend puzzle is a young fellow by the name of Brycey Bryce :). At the moment I am in what my mom would call a "mooshie gooshie" mood... mostly because I am missing the boy more than ever! So with that being said, I decided to dedicate the next few photos and sweet words to him...
How sweet it is to be loved by you....
Thank you for making me smile and laugh everyday...
Thank you for loving me for my imperfections...

thank you for being my matching goof ball...

But most importantly, thank you for being all mine
:) only one more week until we reunite!
Until next time,

Monday, September 20, 2010

Just call me a "Hoarder"

So just recently I have taken up the nickname of "Hoarder" by my roommates..For those who are not aware with the TLC show or the term for that matter let me refresh your minds:
Hoarding is the excessive acquisition of possessions
The reason why my roommates have been picking fun of me is pictured below...
Yea, yea, yea... I know my room was looking like a hot mess..BUT in my defense this was the result of a beyond busy week! On Friday, I decided that the "Hoarder" nickname had to go! I had enough of my messy room and I was just so ready to see my carpet floor again!!!  So I finally took action... 
A nice clean floor and an organized desk never felt so good!
:) Yay for a freshly made bed! I was so proud of myself...NOW my main concern (crossing my fingers) is that I can keep up with this cleanliness... I don't know about this one, but only time will tell :)

P.S. Aren't these sunflowers just precious? I was surprised with them yesterday.. they are just so beautiful! All thanks to my lovely boyfriend Bryce! We celebrated our growing feelings for each other as well as 3 months of laughing, kissing and memory making! (Get it? Three flowers for 3 months?) I thought it was so sweet and clever.

But anyways... 
I am happy to report that my room is still in tip-top shape. But most importantly I am relieved to say that I am no longer a Hoarder! 
Until Next time,

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What I Love About Sunday

 Yes it is the LAST day of the weekend...
But don't sweat it! Some may be spending this day dreading the upcoming week but I have totally fallen for Sunday's! Every time I listen to Craig Morgan's song, "What I love about Sunday's," I instantly fall in love with this day of the week!! Listen to the song below and fall in love too...
(But first make sure to turn off my music at the bottom of the page)

Now for my weekend adventures...
I have been having such a GREAT weekend! This boy has been keeping me laughing and smiling.. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend companion!
On Saturday we spent a few hours catching some rays and enjoying the sight of the HUGE waves...Chris actually went out surfing which was crazy...

My hunny and I, squinting up a storm!

Last night, instead of going out dancing (what we had planned) we were actually feeling pretty crafty... which resulted in a new makeover for my kitchen table chairs! 
Here is the turn out... 
                               Before                          After!                                  
The final look of the kitchen table :) .. I was so pleased with the turn out!

Now that I have shared some of my weekend adventures with you, it is now time for me to get my kayaking on...oh lordy! This is going to be an experiance... thats for sure.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)
Until Next time...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Worry Free Friday!

Welcome Friday! 
Todays agenda includes..NOTHING... no study cramming, homework doing, or anything school related for that amazing is that? This day not only brings relaxing naps and quality girl time with my roomies, but will also bring a handsome young gentlemen by the name of Bryce boyfriend :), which will make this weekend that much sweeter! Now that there is a hint of autumn breeze in the air I cannot wait to spend my time these next few days enjoying the great outdoors...
Tonight will hopefully consist of a romantic stroll on the beach..holding hands while watching the sun set over the horizon..
ahhh now doesn't that just sound PERFECT?
Saturday morning will consist of a early cup of coffee or possibly a festive Pumpkin spice latte..mmmm...
 ...followed by an intense tennis match.. that I will win ;)... kidding of course!
To end my perfect weekend on Sunday I will be getting my "outdoor-sy" on by taking a group kayaking trip to Masonboro island where we will 
enjoy nature and engage in some Yoga on the shore! I seriously cannot wait!!!
I am greeting the new season with open arms... Fall means pumpkin carving, pie eating, and the beautiful sight of colorful trees baring leaves of reds,oranges and yellows! I am BEYOND excited for fall as well as my amazing weekend I have ahead of me...

It is going to be eventful but I am going to enjoy every minute of it! 
Enjoy the weekend... clear your mind of all worries.. and enter the new season with a freed spirit! 
Until next time...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Heartache at the age of three

Why do boys always make girls cry?
I have come to the conclusion that every girl has/ will get her heart broken at one point or another.. but I never thought that heart break could occur at the age of three. Just a few minutes ago my roommate Kelsey showed me this video and it seriously melted my heart.. just watch it and you will see what I mean. Make sure you watch it until the end when the phone rings.. its the best part!
Watch Video Here!
So if you have gotten your heart broken from Justin Bieber (got a case of the "bieber fever") or any other boy for that matter REMEMBER that tomorrow is a new day with new experiences! Go buy a carton of ben and jerrys icecream and get yo eat on. Everything will be okay :), I promise!
Until next time...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Innocence at its finest!

If today is one of those "can't get out of bed, in a bad mood, need a laugh to lift my spirits" kind of day then here you go! Here is a video that I took over the weekend of my  innocent little 3 year old cousin Sarah trying to say "Kitty" but it does not come out that way...
I know its wrong but it is totally OK to let out a little chuckle!!
 Isn't she just the cutest thing?
Until next time...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Blues?

Happy Monday!! Oh Mondays... I find it so funny that this particular day of the week gets such a bad reputation... after all it is the day that you reflect on everything that happened during your amazing weekend! So if you have a case of the Monday blues just take a second to be thankful for a chance to enter a whole new week with a different mindset, as well as a fresh start! As for me...I'm sorry to have neglected the blogging scene this weekend but my weekend was eventful to say the least!

Here is a recap of the festivities...
My family came over to celebrate Rosh Hashanah which meant my mom and papa were cooking up a storm!
Chef Marvin himself! The food was beyond delicious
The whole family came over to eat... including this pretty baby girl...
                                                               Precious puggle pup Bella
   Saturday was beyond busy! It was the night of "Pay It Forward," which is an annual event that raises money to help financially support families in need when going through the terrible illness of cancer. A few months ago I was asked to be a live artist at the event to create a piece that would be auctioned off towards the cause (funding patients and families). It is an AMAZING organization because it is a chance to give rather than receive and I think it is such a beautiful cause! I was nervous excited to be apart of it!! Anyways.. so to start off the day I saw my favorite family, the Newbys. I babysat Cam and we had such a great time! Inspired by Jordan's post, I took Cam with me to get a manicure for the BIG event. I fell in love with the OPI color "Lucky Lucky Lavender." It matched my dress perfectly as well as gave me the luck I needed for the night! Next I played the role of the "soccer mom" by cheering on Cameron at his soccer game. They lost... but he did great!
     After babysitting it was time for "Pay It Forward!" 
Heres a few pictures from the event...
          Getting Started on the piece! AH!                                    Donna and I. She is on the committee board for CCF.

The band "Mr. Potato Head" played.. they were perfect for the event
                                The BEAUTIFUL ballroom with people shaking their groove things!
Four hours later it was complete...
"Endless Stream of Hope"
             My Aunt Susan, Mom, Me, Aunt Carolyn, Boyfriend :)                                  Debra Morgan!
Mom and I toasting to a magnificent night!
It was such an amazing experience...
one that ill never forget. My painting then moved to the auction where it sold/raised close to $4,000 towards helping families in need. Not only was this a great event, it was a HUGE learning experience for me. It has established a strong drive within me to continue to help those in need. It is such a rewarding feeling... I highly encourage everyone to go out and make a difference. I am already planning for the 2011 "Pay It Forward" event! Here is a picture of the family who received the final bid for my painting: 
God Bless them! They were just the sweetest family.
Sunday then followed...
which is a day that I formed a love/hate relationship with.

Hate because I spent it studying this...

Ew... organic chemistry. Enough said.
Love because I got to spend it with him...
Oh hey there cute boy! :) <3

Overall I had a GREAT weekend.. I got to spend it with those that I love adore and now that Monday is among me as well as a brand new week.. I  cannot help but get excited to see what new opportunities it has in store!
Until Next time...