Sunday, December 5, 2010

Recipe for Relaxation

So let me just start off by saying...
Thank You to my amazing
  Family, friends and boyfriend for being that extra push I need to get right back on the horse! You all have put up with my stress vents, my tears, and my silly assumptions and I want you all to know that I am so thankful to have you all in my life. You all keep me going.. keep me positive and I wouldn't be where I am today without all of your guidance.
With that being said...
Ahh STRESS! Admit it...we all have it! For me...I have a case of stress with exams Monday and Tuesday, the approaching stress of the MCAT as well as the stress from all the pressure that comes with applying to medical school. Lets just say that things can seem a bit overwhelming at times... but today is the day that it will all come to an end. I have decided that I can overcome any stressful situation that I might encounter within the next few days or for any situation in the future for that matter. I am saying bye bye to stress,  and hello to relaxation. Life is just to darn short to spend stressing over everything.. you only live once.  With that being said I decided to add on to my "Becoming a Yogi" post I have decided to introduce another yoga move that is guaranteed to calm the body and the mind, making it a GREAT stress reliever! It is also an awesome stretch for the lower back as well as the abdominals! So make sure to find an empty spot on the floor and give it a try!
It is called the "Cow and Cat sequence"
To start off make sure to be in a nice table top position, meaning you are on all fours. Your legs are at a 90 degree angle with a nice flat back and with hands directly below your shoulders. Be sure to spread your fingers out for more stability. Remember to keep your breathing constant and to move at your own pace! To begin the cat stretch take a big inhale while you round your spine to the sky, bringing your back as high as it can go and bring your gaze in between your knees. As you exhale move into cow pose by sinking your hips down to the floor and bring your gaze up to the sky. Repeat this as many times as needed to stretch your body and relax your mind. Childs pose is also a great pose to end with which is my favorite relaxing pose. (It is the third position pictured above)
Hope this helps my friends, more to come soon...
Have a relaxing Sunday!
Until next time,

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