Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Club Randall

Trust me, we Seahawks know how to party!
 Over the past few weeks a facebook group titled "Randall Rave" was being passed
around to students regarding a rave in the UNCW library.
 On December 7th over 1,500 students gathered...
 ...to do anything but study for exams
instead...they all gathered to rave! 
It was EPIC to say the least! Way to go Seahawks :)
Luckily, I was able to document this crazy event by somehow standing 
on a computer table so that I could snap a few shots of the craziness! 
I even got a video...be sure to take a gander :) 
(P.S Notice the crowd surfers and strobe lights)
This will be sure to go down in UNCW history...
and I am so glad that I got a chance to be apart of it :)
Until next time,

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