Monday, December 6, 2010

Procrastination at its best!

After finishing my physics test today...
   the last thing that I want to be doing is studying for yet another exam. But hey it's ok :) holiday break is right around the corner. I have found that trying to get myself to focus has been my toughest challenge these past few days. I am just longing for the feeling of academic freedom! My mind seems to think that the semester is over but reality proves it wrong. Needless to say I have been procrastinating like a champ by you-tubing for the past hour and a half. Why do I do this to myself? I do not know... but I did find this video which is sure amusing... So please enjoy my procrastination!

Cute right? Anyways my loves... I am off to be productive!
Tomorrow I am going to show this genetics final who's boss :)
Until next time,

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