Monday, December 27, 2010

The holiday recap!

Happy Holidays ladies and gents!
So its about time for the holiday recap...
I hope that everyone is having an great amazing holiday season, I know that I am! 
These past few weeks have been spent enjoying some good ol' family time as well as a ton of shopping.
Not to mention some time spent painting these cute little art pieces for a few families.
The tree is made up of the children's hand prints which was simply adorable
They made the perfect gift for Christmas!
This Christmas, I made sure not to miss the annual Java Jive holiday party.
It was so fun to sing along to Christmas tunes sung by the java jammers and spend quality time with such sweet these sweet java jive boys (Bryce and Chris)
Christmas morning was pretty eventful to say the least
Here is the post present opening picture of our living room...
 Santa was definitely too good to me this year, like always!
 I am happy to report that I am now officially a mac user and loving it!
I am truly blessed. 
 Blessed that I can surround myself with such loving and inspiring people.
Like these three... my mom, sister and papa 
 and I can't forget my boys...
I am so blessed to have such handsome men in my life!
My broski and my loverboy
Christmas was simply a blast.
We spent time relaxing by the fireplace and shooting some pool...
(This is bryce pretending to know what he is doing)
 Even though I was pretty upset devastated that my most favorite holiday had to come to an was all okay because the following morning I woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland in my front yard. 
:) The blanket of snow was the perfect addition to my already perfect holiday break! 
I cannot wait to see what the rest of my time off has in store for me. 
I will be sure to keep everyone posted! 
Wishing you all a happy,warm, and cozy Monday!
Until Next time,

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