Friday, December 31, 2010


2010 was a year for...
   Being surrounded by the bestest friends a girl could ask for...
  ... for new friendships and new memories...
for being blessed with the most awesome roommates...
 who have made this year definitely one to remember...
a year for new accomplishments...that I never would 
have dreamed would be possible...
a year for a little bit of nerdiness...
 as well as a year for lovers...
  for smooches, hugs, and a new journey with the boy
who has stolen my heart... 
for family ties that will never be broken...
 for being blessed with new family memories and laughs...
 a year for milestones as well as disappointment...
 but also a year for family love that 
 can overcome everything and anything...
But most importantly,
... a year for living the life that I love with those who I love!
I am welcoming the new year with open arms. With hopes of new memories and new friendships.Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!
Bring on 2011! Cheers!
Until next year,

Monday, December 27, 2010

The holiday recap!

Happy Holidays ladies and gents!
So its about time for the holiday recap...
I hope that everyone is having an great amazing holiday season, I know that I am! 
These past few weeks have been spent enjoying some good ol' family time as well as a ton of shopping.
Not to mention some time spent painting these cute little art pieces for a few families.
The tree is made up of the children's hand prints which was simply adorable
They made the perfect gift for Christmas!
This Christmas, I made sure not to miss the annual Java Jive holiday party.
It was so fun to sing along to Christmas tunes sung by the java jammers and spend quality time with such sweet these sweet java jive boys (Bryce and Chris)
Christmas morning was pretty eventful to say the least
Here is the post present opening picture of our living room...
 Santa was definitely too good to me this year, like always!
 I am happy to report that I am now officially a mac user and loving it!
I am truly blessed. 
 Blessed that I can surround myself with such loving and inspiring people.
Like these three... my mom, sister and papa 
 and I can't forget my boys...
I am so blessed to have such handsome men in my life!
My broski and my loverboy
Christmas was simply a blast.
We spent time relaxing by the fireplace and shooting some pool...
(This is bryce pretending to know what he is doing)
 Even though I was pretty upset devastated that my most favorite holiday had to come to an was all okay because the following morning I woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland in my front yard. 
:) The blanket of snow was the perfect addition to my already perfect holiday break! 
I cannot wait to see what the rest of my time off has in store for me. 
I will be sure to keep everyone posted! 
Wishing you all a happy,warm, and cozy Monday!
Until Next time,

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Refusing Adulthood!

So.. I have come to the conclusion that...
 I am never growing up
.. end of story...period...the end... finito... fini.. NEVER, get the picture? In all honesty, I am not ready to graduate college, move into my own place, pay big girl bills, and  of course get a real job to support my lifestyle as an independent woman. Don't get me wrong, I am all about being independent, but I never thought that adult-like duties would creep up on me this fast! Wouldn't it just be so nice to still have a sense of childlike innocence again, like experiencing the anticipation of Santa Clause's arrival on your rooftop, or a sense of astonishment in the presence of Cinderella's castle? Ah, this all just goes to show how fast life flies by and how nostalgic memories can take over our minds at times...
Ok, ok, ok off of my soapbox and onto the point...
So tonight my lovely boy and I went to go see the new disney movie Tangled! You might say that disney/ pixar movies are kinda a weekness of mine...its the dorky side of me I guess, but if thats the case then I have no shame embracing it!  Overall the movie left me speechless, it was cute, funny and certainly uplifting. Definitely a must see I promise! It tells the story of Rapunzel (a story that seemed a bit hazy to me until tonight) and her struggle to make it out of her high tower.  
 If you have not seen the trailer here it is... I encourage you all to give into your inner dorky, disney, nostalgic side and take a look :)

Seriously guys... go see it! It is awesome! 
Anyways, have a great rest of the weekend.
Until next time,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Be an artist!

Now that winter break is here...
I have been painting like crazy and getting back into the artsy state of mind.
I honestly forgot how much I enjoy letting loose while letting my creativity run free!
I cannot stress how important it is to "do what you love and love what you do"...
Art is what I love and I am so excited to have an entire month of painting!
I have gathered some images of free expression through art:
Get inspired.
Pick up a paint brush, a pencil, an instrument, a camera, or anything for that matter
 and explore your inner most thoughts through art!

( P.S This is my all time favorite painting EVER!)

You might be surprised with what you can do!
Until next time,

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy belated birthday to.... of my most favorite people.
Happy birthday To the person who I rely on for wise words of wisdom with hidden sarcastic remarks that make me smile. To the person who is the biggest child at heart which is simply remarkable and inspiring. To the person who I will always respect and idolize. To the person who I like to pick fun at but deep down inside the person who I admire the most.
Happy birthday to the person who I called my Papa
(All of the grandkids at Disney 2009)
(Papa and I, Christmas 2009)
(Ryan and Papa Disney 2009)
I hope you had an amazing birthday
You deserved it. Heres to many, many more!!
Thank you for being such a powerful male figure in my life.
I simply adore you.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Club Randall

Trust me, we Seahawks know how to party!
 Over the past few weeks a facebook group titled "Randall Rave" was being passed
around to students regarding a rave in the UNCW library.
 On December 7th over 1,500 students gathered... do anything but study for exams
instead...they all gathered to rave! 
It was EPIC to say the least! Way to go Seahawks :)
Luckily, I was able to document this crazy event by somehow standing 
on a computer table so that I could snap a few shots of the craziness! 
I even got a sure to take a gander :) 
(P.S Notice the crowd surfers and strobe lights)
This will be sure to go down in UNCW history...
and I am so glad that I got a chance to be apart of it :)
Until next time,

Happy Birthday to...

the girl who I watched quickly grow from...
a wizard of oz loving, limited too wearing, crafty little diva 
to a..Smarty pants, make up wearing, Hollister sporting, 
bestest-friend-a-girl-could-ever-ask-for," Beautiful  pre-teen!
Sissy, I love you soooo much
Today is your special day, enjoy it!
We will be sure to celebrate when we reunite this week, I promise.
Love you to the moon and back,

Monday, December 6, 2010

Procrastination at its best!

After finishing my physics test today...
   the last thing that I want to be doing is studying for yet another exam. But hey it's ok :) holiday break is right around the corner. I have found that trying to get myself to focus has been my toughest challenge these past few days. I am just longing for the feeling of academic freedom! My mind seems to think that the semester is over but reality proves it wrong. Needless to say I have been procrastinating like a champ by you-tubing for the past hour and a half. Why do I do this to myself? I do not know... but I did find this video which is sure amusing... So please enjoy my procrastination!

Cute right? Anyways my loves... I am off to be productive!
Tomorrow I am going to show this genetics final who's boss :)
Until next time,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Recipe for Relaxation

So let me just start off by saying...
Thank You to my amazing
  Family, friends and boyfriend for being that extra push I need to get right back on the horse! You all have put up with my stress vents, my tears, and my silly assumptions and I want you all to know that I am so thankful to have you all in my life. You all keep me going.. keep me positive and I wouldn't be where I am today without all of your guidance.
With that being said...
Ahh STRESS! Admit it...we all have it! For me...I have a case of stress with exams Monday and Tuesday, the approaching stress of the MCAT as well as the stress from all the pressure that comes with applying to medical school. Lets just say that things can seem a bit overwhelming at times... but today is the day that it will all come to an end. I have decided that I can overcome any stressful situation that I might encounter within the next few days or for any situation in the future for that matter. I am saying bye bye to stress,  and hello to relaxation. Life is just to darn short to spend stressing over everything.. you only live once.  With that being said I decided to add on to my "Becoming a Yogi" post I have decided to introduce another yoga move that is guaranteed to calm the body and the mind, making it a GREAT stress reliever! It is also an awesome stretch for the lower back as well as the abdominals! So make sure to find an empty spot on the floor and give it a try!
It is called the "Cow and Cat sequence"
To start off make sure to be in a nice table top position, meaning you are on all fours. Your legs are at a 90 degree angle with a nice flat back and with hands directly below your shoulders. Be sure to spread your fingers out for more stability. Remember to keep your breathing constant and to move at your own pace! To begin the cat stretch take a big inhale while you round your spine to the sky, bringing your back as high as it can go and bring your gaze in between your knees. As you exhale move into cow pose by sinking your hips down to the floor and bring your gaze up to the sky. Repeat this as many times as needed to stretch your body and relax your mind. Childs pose is also a great pose to end with which is my favorite relaxing pose. (It is the third position pictured above)
Hope this helps my friends, more to come soon...
Have a relaxing Sunday!
Until next time,

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I feeeeel good!

Its Saturday and I am feeling good SO good...
As a matter of fact, this song explains exactly how good I am feeling today!

With my organic chemistry final under my belt...
I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I am relieved to say that I will never have to take another chemistry class again WOHOO! Now I only have my Physics and Genetics exams to go until my glorious Winter break. It is so close I can almost taste it! A whole month of Christmas shopping, pie eating, nap taking, and plain ol' holiday cheer! AH I cannot stop thinking about it... With that being said I am back to studying! Just wanted to stop by to wish everyone a Happy Saturday.. and remember if you are stressing out over finals stay positive and just know that the end is almost here!!! :) Good Luck!
 Heres to a feel good and productive weekend...
Until next time,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Its the MOST WONDERFUL time of the year!

Tis the season for...
cranking up the holiday tunes, snuggling up on the couch with a warm blanket and a cup of hot cocoa while enjoying a old time Christmas movie, for creating an atmosphere of glowing strings of lights, freshly green garland, and don't forget the mistletoe! Tis the season for peppermint bark, apple cider, and mittens!..BUT it is important not to forget the
  sole purpose of the holiday season...tis the season for giving
Welcome December. I am so happy that you are here
Today marks the official 25 days of Christmas.
Hanukkah too is just around the corner and I could not be more excited!
So now for the recap...
Since my last blog post I have been vacationing, barmitzvah-ing, and finishing up this tough semester with countless nights of cramming! Woo it feels so good to be back blogging again! I forgot how much of a stress reliever it is to just take some time to myself to reflect on my thoughts and memories! With that being said here is a few highlights of my crazy hectic beautiful life from these past few weeks...On November 20th Iwas so lucky to have witnessed my brother and cousin's bnei'mitzvah!
I am so proud of them they did such a great job! Here is a shot of the handsome newly pronounced "man" with my sister, dad, and I
 Did I mention that the after party was AMAZING?
Here is a picture of the table set up in the beautiful Preston Wood ballroom
They even had huge balloons of their names over the arch!
 I could not get over just how beautiful the ballroom looked
Here is the view when you first walk in...
 I even managed to snag a picture of the "woman" of the night Samantha
and my pretty sister... well as my handsome and charming date!
 My mom looked so stunning! 
 After dancing the night away, it was time for baby Sarah to
take a load off!! I felt the same way after the night was over.
 The following week was Thanksgiving break!
It was amazing to say the least... I was so excited to work at the Jive again and to see all of my favorite customers. I even got to work with Bryce almost everyday. Here is my Barista note (basically the paper that prints out at my station to tell me what drink to make) from Bryce himself.. I love my little side message! <3
 I also got to babysit over break for one of my favorite families, the Ambrose's!
Here is a picture of the holiday graham cracker houses that we made
 Ella and Sam making their tasty houses.. they wanted to eat them right away!
After the break was over it was time to come back to Wilmington. With exams approaching you would think that I would be studying 24-7 but last night was not the case. Instead to feed into my growing procrastination the roomies and I decided to bring a festive atmosphere to our apartment. :) It was the perfect way to enter the month of December! Below is a picture of our stocking...
We also added a new centerpiece for the kitchen table!
 But my favorite addition was the garland and lights above the window.
It gives our apartment the perfect December feel! I love it!!
I even added some lights to my desk :) 
Now the I have filled you all in...
It is study time!! With an exam today, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday I will be a busy busy girl but I will make time for myself to get back into what I love doing most, blogging!
 I am welcoming this holiday season with open arms with plans to spend December amongst family and friends. I wish everyone a beautiful first day of the month and good luck on exams to those who are taking them!!!
Until Next time, 