Thursday, January 13, 2011

A painting story

So here it is ladies and gents... my first painting story!
I thought that it would be fun and exciting to start a new tradition! Every time that I paint something new I will document the entire process from the bare canvas all the way down to the final piece
...and don't forget the corky/delirious photos that were taken.
So lets begin my red daisy story... once upon a time there was an idea...
An idea that was so vibrant and beautiful that it just had to be painted!
This idea came with challenges but nothing stood in the way of its beauty!  
Along side of the artist was her trusty sidekick, equipped with countless
 motivational speeches as well as loads of support...
The painting took hours upon hours of
concentration which led to pure looniness...
(Please do not judge me haha) 

Day and night the artist painted...

The artist at times had a few crazy moments

 (which occurred during the wee hours of the night) 

But all of those crazy moments made the process that much more enjoyable!

Days turned into weeks which finally lead to the most

anticipated magical moment...

The finished red daisy! :)


I am hoping to document my future work so I can share them with you all :)

Hope you enjoyed my story ha! It was so much fun to just spend the past few weeks on this painting, I had a blast... more paintings to come soon so stay tuned!! 

Happy Thursday everyone.

Until next time my loves,


Day and night the artist painted...
The artist at times had a few crazy moments
 (which occurred during the wee hours of the night) 
But all of those crazy moments made the process that much more enjoyable!
Days turned into weeks which finally lead to the most
anticipated magical moment...
The finished red daisy! :)
I am hoping to document my future pieces so I can share them with you all :)
Hope you enjoyed my story ha! It was so much fun to just spend the past few weeks on this painting, I had a blast... more paintings to come soon so stay tuned!! 
Happy Thursday everyone.
Until next time my loves,

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