Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, new obsession...

So recently I have accumulated another obsession...oh lordy!   
Besides my ongoing infatuation with bobby pin and dresses, I have added yet another one to the list... they are called Ear Wraps and they are simple adorable! They are the perfect addition to any daily wardrobe, making them a great new years gift for everyone and anyone. They do not require any piercings which is nice because you can pop them right on and off... seriously I am obsessed! I am happy to report that I invested in these little beauties this morning and cannot wait for them to arrive.

.. yes I know online shopping is kind of a problem of mine...
But aren't they just the coolest thing?
I purchased mine from this site but you can find them all over the internet.
Happy shopping and happy first day of the new year my loves.
Until next time,

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