Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just dance extravaganza!

As of last week, my living room has been 
transformed into a dance floor.
How is this possible? Well, my roommate Kelsey was nice enough to let us use her wii and Just dance game... Needless to say that it has been a nonstop hit to all of our neighbors and friends making room 3210 a bumpin place to hangout :) Take a looksy at our killer dancing moves..
it is absolutely alright to laugh...enjoy!
First off is Kevin Vs. Dan. Next, Kelsey Vs. Pat..
followed by Me (oh geez...) Vs. Kevin. Then finally Katie Vs. Me :)
(*be sure to turn off the tunes at the bottom on this page)

I hope you all enjoyed our groovy moves...
I also hope that these videos either make you laugh or smile :) possibly more to come soon? On a side note, we are almost done with the week which is very reliving and exciting! I have a fun filled weekend in sight...and a post to follow...
so hang in there my loves!
Until next time,

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