Sunday, January 2, 2011

Michele Kwan wannabe?

A few days ago my friend Kevin and I decided to feed into our holiday spirits and go ice skating. Let me start off by saying that I realize that I am no Michelle Kwan, but I do consider myself a pretty good ice skater. At first the ice was pretty rough in places but I managed to regain my balance and enjoy gliding on the ice... it was a blast! 
Heres a few snap shots of our ice skating adventure...
This is me trying to look graceful as I regain my balance... 
which was almost impossible!
 I am beyond thankful for our friendship.
All smiles on the ice...
 Kevin's professional ice skating twirl... before he almost fell ha!
Ahhh it was so much fun, I cannot wait to do it again soon!
Needless to say, ice skating was the perfect way to end the holiday season with a bang
Maybe with practice one day I will be the next Michelle Kwan?
Not a chance. Anyways, Happy Sunday!
Until next time,

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