Sunday, January 30, 2011

Born this way

While in Barnes and Noble today I came across this song on the internet and thought it was not only inspirational but entirely truthful. So please read on :)

"I'm beautiful in my own way 'cause God makes no mistakes. 
I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way. Don't hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and you're set. I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way..." 
- Lady Gaga's "Born This Way"

Happy Sunday everyone!
Until next time,

Friday, January 28, 2011

Im back and im feeling good!

So the beginning of the semester is always pretty extremely hectic...
 Luckily, everything for me has started to wind down.. phew finally :). 
So here I am blogging again and absolutely loving it! 
Let me catch you all up on what on earth ive been doing....
First off, lets jump right into business... this past weekend I received a new hair make over :) I had been longing to dye my hair dark for awhile now and last Saturday I finally got the guts to do it! 
What do you think?
and after...
Bryce and I had an extensive mac book sesh.. 
but im happy to report that...
I am loving every minute of being a newly dark haired brunette!
Now lets back up a little bit...
About a week and a half ago my roommate Kelsey and I decided to give our living room a new makeover... we wanted it to be inviting yet sophisticated.. we basically wanted to create a "home-y" like cozy feel. Take a look!
We added new pillows, table cloth, lamp, little table, and the wall pieces! 
We were so happy with the results...I fell in love with the wall flowers 
they were simply the perfect touch! 
After playing home makeover, it was time for some more fun.
Here are a few pictures of my aquarium trip
Bryce came to visit me so we decided to do something different
I forgot just how much I love going to the aquarium!
My favorite animal there believe it or not was the jelly fish...
I even got to touch one (it didn't have the stinging tentacles)
The aquarium was a huge success! I can't wait to go back.
Now onto last weekend...
My brother's birthday festivities!
My baby brother turned the big 1-4 which I still cannot believe!
We ate at Ryan's favorite italian restaurant, Bocci.
Heather and I were big fans as well...
After dinner we opened presents and reminisced about the younger years.
Overall it was an amazing weekend with my family. I am so thankful
 that I got to spend my brother's special day with him :)
Oh and did I mention that I went on a little shopping spree?
Whenever my mom and I are together we go absolutely crazy...
here is the proof... Exhibit A
We are the ultimate shopping duo :) and I love it!
My lover boy even surprised me with an early valentines present!
Its called a jade plant and it symbolizes friendship and love.
Isn't it cute?
Now that I have recapped my last few weeks...
It is time to move onto my Friday adventures!
I can't wait to share what stories this weekend holds in store for me :)
Happy Friday everyone!
Until next time,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just dance extravaganza!

As of last week, my living room has been 
transformed into a dance floor.
How is this possible? Well, my roommate Kelsey was nice enough to let us use her wii and Just dance game... Needless to say that it has been a nonstop hit to all of our neighbors and friends making room 3210 a bumpin place to hangout :) Take a looksy at our killer dancing moves..
it is absolutely alright to laugh...enjoy!
First off is Kevin Vs. Dan. Next, Kelsey Vs. Pat..
followed by Me (oh geez...) Vs. Kevin. Then finally Katie Vs. Me :)
(*be sure to turn off the tunes at the bottom on this page)

I hope you all enjoyed our groovy moves...
I also hope that these videos either make you laugh or smile :) possibly more to come soon? On a side note, we are almost done with the week which is very reliving and exciting! I have a fun filled weekend in sight...and a post to follow...
so hang in there my loves!
Until next time,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A painting story

So here it is ladies and gents... my first painting story!
I thought that it would be fun and exciting to start a new tradition! Every time that I paint something new I will document the entire process from the bare canvas all the way down to the final piece
...and don't forget the corky/delirious photos that were taken.
So lets begin my red daisy story... once upon a time there was an idea...
An idea that was so vibrant and beautiful that it just had to be painted!
This idea came with challenges but nothing stood in the way of its beauty!  
Along side of the artist was her trusty sidekick, equipped with countless
 motivational speeches as well as loads of support...
The painting took hours upon hours of
concentration which led to pure looniness...
(Please do not judge me haha) 

Day and night the artist painted...

The artist at times had a few crazy moments

 (which occurred during the wee hours of the night) 

But all of those crazy moments made the process that much more enjoyable!

Days turned into weeks which finally lead to the most

anticipated magical moment...

The finished red daisy! :)


I am hoping to document my future work so I can share them with you all :)

Hope you enjoyed my story ha! It was so much fun to just spend the past few weeks on this painting, I had a blast... more paintings to come soon so stay tuned!! 

Happy Thursday everyone.

Until next time my loves,


Day and night the artist painted...
The artist at times had a few crazy moments
 (which occurred during the wee hours of the night) 
But all of those crazy moments made the process that much more enjoyable!
Days turned into weeks which finally lead to the most
anticipated magical moment...
The finished red daisy! :)
I am hoping to document my future pieces so I can share them with you all :)
Hope you enjoyed my story ha! It was so much fun to just spend the past few weeks on this painting, I had a blast... more paintings to come soon so stay tuned!! 
Happy Thursday everyone.
Until next time my loves,

Monday, January 3, 2011

How sweet it is...

to be loved by you.
 Last night my love and I decided to start new art projects...
it was so much fun to share my interest of painting 
with someone that I care about so much!
we spent hours jamming out to some tunes while letting our creativity 
flow...we even managed to squeeze in a little macbook photo sesh..
Bryce painted a picture of Mickey Mouse.
It turned out awesome! Take a look...
As for me, I decided to work on a larger scale. 
It will take some time but I am so excited to paint my red daisy!
It still needs a lot of work but heres a little peek...
More pictures to come soon.
Overall, it was a very productive Sunday evening! 
I am so thankful to have spent it doing what I love with who I love.
Until next time,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Michele Kwan wannabe?

A few days ago my friend Kevin and I decided to feed into our holiday spirits and go ice skating. Let me start off by saying that I realize that I am no Michelle Kwan, but I do consider myself a pretty good ice skater. At first the ice was pretty rough in places but I managed to regain my balance and enjoy gliding on the ice... it was a blast! 
Heres a few snap shots of our ice skating adventure...
This is me trying to look graceful as I regain my balance... 
which was almost impossible!
 I am beyond thankful for our friendship.
All smiles on the ice...
 Kevin's professional ice skating twirl... before he almost fell ha!
Ahhh it was so much fun, I cannot wait to do it again soon!
Needless to say, ice skating was the perfect way to end the holiday season with a bang
Maybe with practice one day I will be the next Michelle Kwan?
Not a chance. Anyways, Happy Sunday!
Until next time,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, new obsession...

So recently I have accumulated another obsession...oh lordy!   
Besides my ongoing infatuation with bobby pin and dresses, I have added yet another one to the list... they are called Ear Wraps and they are simple adorable! They are the perfect addition to any daily wardrobe, making them a great new years gift for everyone and anyone. They do not require any piercings which is nice because you can pop them right on and off... seriously I am obsessed! I am happy to report that I invested in these little beauties this morning and cannot wait for them to arrive.

.. yes I know online shopping is kind of a problem of mine...
But aren't they just the coolest thing?
I purchased mine from this site but you can find them all over the internet.
Happy shopping and happy first day of the new year my loves.
Until next time,