Friday, October 22, 2010


So for the next seven months of my life...
I am going to be living and breathing the basics of general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics... doesn't that just sound yucky? I bet your wondering why I would do such a thing so let me just fill you in :) ...I am putting myself through a study boot camp all because of the most beloved test, the MCAT.. just typing it makes me cringe! So basically what I am trying to say is that STARTING RIGHT NOW I am going to be devoting every second of my life towards preparing myself to battle this ridiculously intense exam! AH! I cannot believe that it already here... where does the time go...seriously??? Medical school is just so close I can taste it. (hopefully) 
 Enough of my freak out tangent... lets talk pink hair extensions :)
                                        Bad photo quality but yay for being in love with pink!

So being that it is Breast Cancer Awareness month,
 the roomies and I decided to spread the awareness with the addition of lovely pink hair extensions! I have fallen in love with mine because it is so eye catching..but besides the fact that they are just adorable, it is important to keep in mind  the ultimate purpose for gaining these girly locks, which is to spread the word that cancer touches so many people each day...It is just SO important to get involved in the search for the cure. When you purchase a pink hair extension ( roughly about 10 dollars) proceeds go towards funding breast cancer research which is SO awesome. So ladies if you have not gotten your pink extensions yet it is not too late! Go to your nearest salon and have them put a little bit of hope in your hair :). Give back and feel good this Friday!!
Until next time,


  1. well my friend. if you need to cry though it all...I UNDERSTAND!!! call me anytime i love you!

  2. aww Britney I love youuuuuuu :)


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