Monday, October 11, 2010


Oh Mondays....
It is the start of a new week, a start of new opportunities...which is very exciting...BUT for some reason this morning I cannot bring myself to the realization that my lovely weekend has come to an end. Here is why... most of my weekend was spend in Barnes and Nobles studying all curled up in a big comfy chair and a delicious latte.. not to mention I had my boyfriend by my side the whole entire time... now doesn't that sound great perfect? This weekend also included beautiful Wilmington weather, naps galore... and the highlight...a double date with my favorite RA couple, Jordan and Craig! But wait theres more...(Please excuse my infomercial slang) 
Here is the recap ...
On Friday Bryce and I enjoyed the day off with an intense game of tennis followed by a nice sit down lunch and a quick shopping spree...I even found Big Foot's rainbow sandal :)
 The night included our joint attempt at a home cooked meal :)
It was fun to pretend that we were top chiefs.. but anyways... 
I think our mommies would of been proud! It was simply delicious!
 Saturday was spent sleeping in.. which was amazing...
followed by a relaxing Barnes and Nobles trip...
And a dinner date with these cutie patooties...
 Miss Jordan Winn and Mr. Craig Dykstra!  
 We dined at my soon to be new obsession, Indochine.
The atmosphere was so inviting and the food was tasty!
I even managed to steal a few smooches from this lovely boy
...which made my night that much sweeter!
Now that my nostalgic state of mind has taken over my Monday morning it is time to snap out of it and move on to my fresh, new week with a positive attitude! The weekend is only days away... but in the meantime I  plan on enjoying the next few days of beautiful weather... 
Wishing you all a Happy Monday!
Until next time,

PS.  So this weekend I also found out that I stink at hopscotch :(... 
check it out:

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