Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No Place Like Home

I know, I know, I know...
I am a blog neglecter!
I have been just so busy with fall break to write the entry that these past few days deserve! I have had such an amazing fall break to say the least and I am just so saddened that it all had to end...
So here is the recap...
I was home all day Friday relaxing and spending time with my lovely boyfriend and my AWESOME family.. it was just what I needed after a hectic week. Not to mention that I also took a NAP.. something that I have missed more than anything! That night my family, Bryce and I  attended services at my temple, Beth Shalom, which always puts me in a "feel good about the world, nothing can lower my spirit" mood... you know what I mean? Saturday then followed which brought sunshine, something I have not seen in alonnnnng time *cough cough* flood in Wilmington.. rain nonstop, but anyways.. the sunshine was much appreciated! Saturday also brought the smell of freshly brewed coffee and taste of yummy bakery treats from Java Jive, where I worked every morning during my break! Here is a little glimpse of Java Jive (the place that brought Bryce and I together <3)
Isn't it just so quaint? 
After working the morning shift, Bryce and I went to spend time/babysit with Mr. Cameron who is absolutely adorable! Here he is dressed and ready to win his soccer game (which they did!)
Bryce really enjoyed the game in his recliner chair 
and womens sunglasses.. haha!
  Once the game ended I headed home where I was finally able
to kick off my shoes and relax with my family!
I even got to enjoy my moms famous homemade chicken noodle soup...
It was delicious!
Sunday was the MOST AMAZING day of my whole entire break! The night before I was having one of those  "Christmas eve...Santa excitement" feelings.. you know, like the feeling that you get when you are just beyond excited for the sight of presents under a lit tree? Well I had this feeling of excitement not for Santa but because I had the privilege of working with the most darling boy.. my boyfriend! The shift flew by making it by far the most fun I have ever had at work.. I am just the luckiest girl!
Monday was spent working in the morning followed by a fun visit to the mall!! I was so exhausted from working 8 hours but it was so good to get my shop on :)... Tuesday was my last day at home... enough said.. They had to literally pry me from the doors because I just didn't want my perfect break to end! Don't get me wrong I am in love with Wilmington... but there is just no place like home.
Until next time...

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