Sunday, October 31, 2010

Stress, Stress go away don't come again another day :)

"Life ain't always beautiful, 
but it's a beautiful ride"
 -Gary Allen
So recently...I have managed to drive everyone I love nuts!
How did I manage to do such a thing? Well... 
After meeting with my advisor about my future plans I have been nothing less than stressed. My poor family and friends have been listening to my nonsense and have been putting up with my tears for the past few weeks. They have even attempted to piece back together my broken self esteem...All of this stress is due to my heavy work load from my classes as well as the stress of the approaching MCAT.  I literally entered a state of panic. Needless to say that I was in desperate need of some R&R time as well as some good ol' momma's loving! How is it that Moms always know just the thing to make everything better?
 Anyways...what I do know is that I am truly blessed to have the most amazing mother in the entire world.
Thank you Mom for being the bestest friend a gal could ask for.
You are my idol and my inspiration. I love you!
Now lets talk weekend fun... 
It was perfect.
On Saturday, I went to the North Carolina State Fair with some amazing people.
We played the most impossible games (including the obnoxious ring toss game) , rode rides (the ferris wheel was my favorite), and ate, and when I say that we ate.. I mean we ate a lot! Too much if you ask me! Between all of us we managed to consume giant turkey legs, cotton candy, funnel cakes, ice cream, pizza, corn, and some good ol' BBQ! I probably gained 10 pounds but it was totally worth it! I just love the fair so it was the perfect way to spend my Saturday.
Sunday was a calm kind of day. I painted for most of it, which is such a great therapy! For dinner I was so excited to spend some time with the Kain family!  On the car ride to Willow Spring (where they live) I managed to snag a few shots of the scenery.
This picture just gives me the perfect "Sunday feel"
We passed numerous farms, but this farm in particular made me chuckle from the "naked" look of the tobacco plants. Take a look below...funny huh?
After a great dinner with the Kain's, 
Loverboy and I made a little pit stop at our special summer place
So to conclude this delayed blog post :) I would love to wish everyone a spooky and safe Halloween! Make sure to eat some candy corn or maybe just munch on some yummy pumpkin seed!! I am so excited to say that Bryce and I are going Nerd bowling :)... ahh its going to be a blast so stay tuned. 
Until next time,

Friday, October 22, 2010


So for the next seven months of my life...
I am going to be living and breathing the basics of general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics... doesn't that just sound yucky? I bet your wondering why I would do such a thing so let me just fill you in :) ...I am putting myself through a study boot camp all because of the most beloved test, the MCAT.. just typing it makes me cringe! So basically what I am trying to say is that STARTING RIGHT NOW I am going to be devoting every second of my life towards preparing myself to battle this ridiculously intense exam! AH! I cannot believe that it already here... where does the time go...seriously??? Medical school is just so close I can taste it. (hopefully) 
 Enough of my freak out tangent... lets talk pink hair extensions :)
                                        Bad photo quality but yay for being in love with pink!

So being that it is Breast Cancer Awareness month,
 the roomies and I decided to spread the awareness with the addition of lovely pink hair extensions! I have fallen in love with mine because it is so eye catching..but besides the fact that they are just adorable, it is important to keep in mind  the ultimate purpose for gaining these girly locks, which is to spread the word that cancer touches so many people each day...It is just SO important to get involved in the search for the cure. When you purchase a pink hair extension ( roughly about 10 dollars) proceeds go towards funding breast cancer research which is SO awesome. So ladies if you have not gotten your pink extensions yet it is not too late! Go to your nearest salon and have them put a little bit of hope in your hair :). Give back and feel good this Friday!!
Until next time,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Long Time No Blog!

So I know that it seems like I have fallen
off the face of the earth these past few days...

Don't you worry my blogging loves, I will be sure to explain everything! I have been such a busy bee for the past week and a half and I cannot wait to fill you all in. I am so excited beyond excited to announce that I have been asked to complete four paintings for four different people for the month of October (thats alot of "fours/fors" in one sentence ha!). I cannot believe that my dream of becoming a real commissioned artist is finally coming true. I am so thankful that I can share my love of art with others! (Stay tuned for progression pictures!!)
As for has been picking up and consuming all of my free time! The semester is flying by for the most part but I have been so busy with tests, projects, and quizzes. I have one almost everyday.. it is just crazy! Nonetheless,  I am doing my best to stay positive! The wonderful support from my friends, family, and lovely boyfriend have been whats keeping me going and with that being said I would love to take a second to thank all of those who believe in me.. 
I love you all so, so much!
Now lets talk football.. So as you all know my brother has been quite the little football star these past few weeks. His team, The Cary Chargers, have been kicking major butt... I actually got to witness their most recent victory which was so exciting. The beautiful fall weather made the day perfect for some good ol' football! Mi familia and Bryce were there to witness the action as well, we all had a GREAT time! 
Heres a picture of the gaming action...:)
 Now back to art...As I said before, art is kind of taking over my life... which I am totally OK with! This semester I decided to try something new... 3D ART.. which has resulted in a love/hate relationship. 3D work is something that I am not very familiar with so it has been a learning process to say the least.  Last week after countless hours of using drills and saws, along with a few sleepless nights, I finally finished my wood project  
Here is a glance at my new woody masterpiece:

Now that I have filled you in with my recent adventures...
 I cannot wait to see what the rest of the week has in store for me. Only 2 more days until Friday woohoo! As for me...I see fair time expeditions and pink hair extensions in my near future :). Don't worry posts will follow!
Happy Hump Day!
Until next time,

Monday, October 11, 2010


Oh Mondays....
It is the start of a new week, a start of new opportunities...which is very exciting...BUT for some reason this morning I cannot bring myself to the realization that my lovely weekend has come to an end. Here is why... most of my weekend was spend in Barnes and Nobles studying all curled up in a big comfy chair and a delicious latte.. not to mention I had my boyfriend by my side the whole entire time... now doesn't that sound great perfect? This weekend also included beautiful Wilmington weather, naps galore... and the highlight...a double date with my favorite RA couple, Jordan and Craig! But wait theres more...(Please excuse my infomercial slang) 
Here is the recap ...
On Friday Bryce and I enjoyed the day off with an intense game of tennis followed by a nice sit down lunch and a quick shopping spree...I even found Big Foot's rainbow sandal :)
 The night included our joint attempt at a home cooked meal :)
It was fun to pretend that we were top chiefs.. but anyways... 
I think our mommies would of been proud! It was simply delicious!
 Saturday was spent sleeping in.. which was amazing...
followed by a relaxing Barnes and Nobles trip...
And a dinner date with these cutie patooties...
 Miss Jordan Winn and Mr. Craig Dykstra!  
 We dined at my soon to be new obsession, Indochine.
The atmosphere was so inviting and the food was tasty!
I even managed to steal a few smooches from this lovely boy
...which made my night that much sweeter!
Now that my nostalgic state of mind has taken over my Monday morning it is time to snap out of it and move on to my fresh, new week with a positive attitude! The weekend is only days away... but in the meantime I  plan on enjoying the next few days of beautiful weather... 
Wishing you all a Happy Monday!
Until next time,

PS.  So this weekend I also found out that I stink at hopscotch :(... 
check it out:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Meet Pearl

 So for the past few months I have been quoting the most adorable young lady named Pearl. She has been the theme of my conversations with my boyfriend.. as well as the theme of my entire apartment life... We are constantly quoting her and I think it is about time that I share her cuteness with everyone! So if you are in need of a good laugh this afternoon please check out the video below!
Without further a due... Meet Pearl, the landlord.
P.S It is ok to laugh :) she is just so darn cute!

I hope that this skit has brightened your Saturday (if it wasn't already) :)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!
Until next time...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Procrastination..Thanks A "Latte!"

So ladies and gents...
 we have made it to the best day of the week... FRIDAY!!  
Even though I should be spending my time outside on this beautiful day... I have been stressing over the fact that I have two tests and a lab report due next basically in lament terms I am in need of some hardcore study time! So why not get a head start? At the moment I am sitting in Barnes and Nobles (with my hunny) enjoying a yummy cinnamon dolce latte! Coffee just makes these fall days that much more enjoyable! Yes...I know that I should be studying and doing my lab report but my procrastination has been due to my new fascination with latte art. For the past 5 years of working as a barista at Java Jive I have never been exposed to such an art and I am just so intrigued. I just need to try it!!
 Here are some cool images that I have found... 
My all time favorite.. two snuggling bears.. adorable!
Such a beautiful flower design...and even...
...some fun latte art animals! 
This just leaves me speechless...
Seriously.. Pooh Bear? :) totally awesome!
So now...
...that I have spent the last hour and a half researching latte art and how to make these tasty masterpieces, I should be getting back to my studies. Organic chemistry and genetics are calling my name... So my blogging babies if you are interested in seeing the process of latte art I have found a video that just leaves me in "awe" so be sure to check it out!

(Please ignore the intense music...ha!)
Until next time...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No Place Like Home

I know, I know, I know...
I am a blog neglecter!
I have been just so busy with fall break to write the entry that these past few days deserve! I have had such an amazing fall break to say the least and I am just so saddened that it all had to end...
So here is the recap...
I was home all day Friday relaxing and spending time with my lovely boyfriend and my AWESOME family.. it was just what I needed after a hectic week. Not to mention that I also took a NAP.. something that I have missed more than anything! That night my family, Bryce and I  attended services at my temple, Beth Shalom, which always puts me in a "feel good about the world, nothing can lower my spirit" mood... you know what I mean? Saturday then followed which brought sunshine, something I have not seen in alonnnnng time *cough cough* flood in Wilmington.. rain nonstop, but anyways.. the sunshine was much appreciated! Saturday also brought the smell of freshly brewed coffee and taste of yummy bakery treats from Java Jive, where I worked every morning during my break! Here is a little glimpse of Java Jive (the place that brought Bryce and I together <3)
Isn't it just so quaint? 
After working the morning shift, Bryce and I went to spend time/babysit with Mr. Cameron who is absolutely adorable! Here he is dressed and ready to win his soccer game (which they did!)
Bryce really enjoyed the game in his recliner chair 
and womens sunglasses.. haha!
  Once the game ended I headed home where I was finally able
to kick off my shoes and relax with my family!
I even got to enjoy my moms famous homemade chicken noodle soup...
It was delicious!
Sunday was the MOST AMAZING day of my whole entire break! The night before I was having one of those  "Christmas eve...Santa excitement" feelings.. you know, like the feeling that you get when you are just beyond excited for the sight of presents under a lit tree? Well I had this feeling of excitement not for Santa but because I had the privilege of working with the most darling boy.. my boyfriend! The shift flew by making it by far the most fun I have ever had at work.. I am just the luckiest girl!
Monday was spent working in the morning followed by a fun visit to the mall!! I was so exhausted from working 8 hours but it was so good to get my shop on :)... Tuesday was my last day at home... enough said.. They had to literally pry me from the doors because I just didn't want my perfect break to end! Don't get me wrong I am in love with Wilmington... but there is just no place like home.
Until next time...