Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Feels great to be back! :)

Happy Holidays my beautiful blogging friends! 
Have you missed me? Because I have missed you all so, so much.
I know there are no excuses for why I have not been blogging
Let me start off by saying hallelujah my hardest semester of my undergraduate career is over...and boy I am sooooo glad!
With that being said let me just catch you up on the last few months of my life :)
I had the most marvelous Thanksgiving and Christmas.
 Here are a few pictures from our Thanksgiving photo shoot
I was super excited to be around my friends and family

Thanksgiving was such a blast but there is nothing like Christmas.
I enjoy listening to the music, surrounding myself with the people that I love, and of course doing what I do best, shopping for holiday gifts.  
With that being said it is no surprise that I have been diagnosed with a bad case of the post holiday blues. I cannot seem to shake it off but I suppose that I will just have to start the count down until Christmas and I meet again.
So what else is new? Well...
I have been drinking nothing but sparkling white grape juice this holiday season.
I am still addicted to collecting and using bobby pins
I have moved into a new apartment with the best roommates ever
I am still dating my goofball of a boyfriend and the love of my life Bryce :)
Hmm... OH and did I mention that I have
 recently added a new obsession?
So let explain...
I normally do not like to add color to my lips because I have always thought it looked somewhat awkward on me, but recently I decided to give it a shot... I started off with a bolder color that I discovered over my Christmas break called Orange 7 by Bobbi Brown
(I decided to apply it super light to ease myself into its boldness)
What do you think? Pictured also is my mom with her own new obsession, her nook!
Ironically, over the past few months I have accumulated yet another lip obsession...
This time we are talking Chapstick.
 Not just any lip balm, more like one in particular... 
They not only hydrate my lips, but also come in the most unique packaging.
Bryce fed into my growing egg-shapped addiction for Christmas when he purchased my missing flavors.
Honeysuckle honeydew, medicated tangerine, and strawberry sorbet.
He even thought of a cleaver way to package them...
Anyways, enough of my blabbering.
What can I say, I am just so excited to be posting again :)
More to come soon, pinky promise!
Until next time,

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Oh the things I do...

to entertain myself during a hurricane!
 giggling is encouraged :)
More videos and updates to come
Until next time,

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dearest Irene,

Bring it on.
With all of the scary attention hurricane Irene is stirring,
I couldn't be more excited... isn't that just sick?
Be safe all of my east coast buddies :)
Until next time,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

News flash...I am getting old!

Let me start off by saying that
this summer has been filled with a whirlwind of emotions!
I honestly cannot believe that summer has flown by as quickly as it has and to be completely blunt and 100% honest I am scared and anxious to find out what my future holds once my summer comes to a end... yikes! So many important events are taking place in my life during such a short period of time leaving me with mixed emotions all over. 
Now let me explain...
I have a little less then a month to complete the test that holds my dreams, I am starting my application process for medical school, my little brother is starting high school.. WHAT???.. and I am entering my senior year in college. I still cannot get my mind to grasp all of these drastic changes but right now I am just taking it all in slowly leaving me with a bitter sweet state of mind. Lets talk career path.. now that my MCAT is scheduled for September 8th my days are starting to become more productive. I am on a strict study plan which will hopefully work as a tool to help me accomplish my dreams of going into medical school. The application process is going to be a bit crazy but nothing that I cannot handle :). I am beyond excited about taking the next steps into my dream career and can only hope that everything works out as planned! 
oh and also... when did I become old?
Seriously, I understand that the age of 21 is still considered a baby to some, but I just cannot get over that my little brother is entering the same high school that I once attended. Just today I took him to freshman orientation and could not help but feel a bit ancient since it has been almost 4 years since I roamed the halls of Athens Drive. I couldn't help but contact some old friends since the atmosphere brought back so many priceless memories. But anyways..I will try my hardest not to get all sentimental. 
 Good ol' Athens Drive High School
Oh and did I mention that Ryan (my brother) is playing football for the Jaguars and I cannot wait to go to all of his games and cheer him on just like I did back in my ol' Athens cheerleading days.. ahhh I just can't believe it.
Well my blogging loves, there are so many changes to come...
and I promise to document the journey.
So sit back, relax and please enjoy the ride with me. 
Senior status here I come! I am thrilled to be welcoming my last year as an undergraduate student with open arms and a clear mind.
Until next time,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mission strawberry picking....

Don't they just look so juicy and ripe?
And let me tell you my loves... they are absolutely delicious!
I was so excited about doing something out of the ordinary this weekend and even with the thunderstorm we were still able to have some good ol' family time, which is something that I can't get enough of! Here are a few shots of our strawberry picking experience... 
P.S The little speck to the far right below is me waving :)
Notice the thunderstorm overhead... also notice us hard at work
 determined to fill our buckets before the rain falls!
 My sister and I showing off the goods! 
 The clouds kept getting darker and darker... we decided to call it a day 
and went home to make these yummy creations.
Overall I had an amazing Saturday...
and cannot wait to share what this week has in store for me.
Until next time my loves,

P.S Bryce even managed to get a video of the 
strawberry picking fun :) enjoy!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Long time, no blog!

Behold ladies and gents the sole reason
 of why blogging has not been in my life recently.
The coming soon.
        This single test not only holds the key to my future perfect future, but will also be the most challenging and intimidating test that I will ever encounter in my lifetime. Am I ready for it? I ask myself that question ever day hoping that one of these days I will get the confidence to say yes. August 5th is the big day. Needless to say, that these past few months have consisted of biology, chemistry (both general and organic), physics, and verbal reasoning review to help me ace the test that can change my life forever.
AHH so off of my soapbox and on to the juicy stuff...
         Lets talk life. I am happy  thrilled to report that I am now enjoying academic freedom on my summer vacation last college summer, but like I mentioned before... the feeling of summer is bittersweet due to all of the studying that comes along with the big test. Saying goodbye to Wilmington was harder then I expected. I never thought that saying my goodbyes to an empty room would make me so emotional, but I will say that it is just so nice to be home enjoying time with my family and lovely boyfriend. In fact, today we are all going strawberry picking, something I have never done before and I  seriously cannot wait!  
More posts and summer pictures to come soon my dears,
It feels great to be back!
Until next time,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tangled up in April

Happy April everyone! This month not only brings countless Wilmington beach trips, beautiful sunshine and the appearance of sun dresses... but also brings the end of my junior year of undergraduate school.. which is such a scary, scary thought.
But besides that fact...
          I have an obsession that has basically been taking up all of my free time...its not new persay, but something that I want to engulf myself with all of the time. Remember this post? Well, this weekend my hunny picked up this wonderful movie and I have been watching it ever since. It has got to be, in my opinion the best disney movie since the oldies like Aladdin and The Little Mermaid. Here is a my favorite song of the movie... I think I have watched it over 5 times in the last 48 hours. I am obsessed.

Hope this has brought back the nostalgic and magical feeling of disney.
Happy Wednesday my loves, only two more days until the weekend!
Until next time,