Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Take a smile

Well ladies and gents the week is halfway over...
and I don't know about you all, but I am in desperate need of a break from everything school related! I can't help but dream of a break filled with countless cocktails, the feeling of sweet sunshine on my skin, and of course the company of love ones to enjoy these dreams with! Ahhh... and with spring break starting 
on Friday I couldn't be happier! 
Anyways, I digress... it is time for the weekend recap.
So this past weekend, I was lucky enough to spend time with these pretty girls...
as well as this fine young gentleman :)
Let me explain...
Bryce came to visit me for his spring break, which of course made me smile from ear to ear.  Not to mention, that we went downtown bar hopping Friday night, which is so new and exciting considering that I just turned 21 last month!  Saturday was filled with naps galore, a lengthy trip to the art studio, and to top it all off a great night with newly made friends. Sunday... was well, one of those feel good, no-place-to-be-kind of days that I just can't get enough of. 
Overall it was a beautiful weekend filled with nonstop laughter and smiles :)
Until next time,

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