Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rain or shine

Hallelujah we have made it to Thursday my little love bugs.
That means that tomorrow is the only day separating me from a week or pure enjoyment, AH! Anyways, lets talk weather conditions...Wilmington today is experiancing one of those yucky, humid, stay in bed kind of days...that would normally get me down, but to be honest I am completely excited!
Why do you ask?
Well, today is a great opportunity to give into my crafty side, which I sometimes forget about with everything going on with school and work. I have recently accumulated a new obsession... and I cannot wait to share it. So here it is...
"P.S. I made this" is a book that I just had to get my hands on...
trust me, I am not the reading type but this book is awesome!
I found out about it a few weeks ago and am obsessed with how easy and stylish the items are to make. Here are two examples from the book that I am going to make/attempt today :)

Rain or shine, nothings going to get me down today :)
Happy crafting everyone.
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. ahhh fun! i follow the ps i made this blog ( and i always feel so inspired by the wonderful ideas!


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