With such beautiful weather in Wilmington...
I cannot help but be in one of those country-loving-feel-good-kind of moods, which hopefully is here to stay for the rest of the season!(This explains the new country additions to my blog playlist...I thought id share the feeling) So I bet the question to address is where have I been? Why do I keep going away? Well let me start off by saying I have been up to so much in the month of February, which happens to be my most favorite month. I mean what is there not to love about a month that is entirely dedicated to well... love! Anyways, I have been staying a busy and productive bee. Painting and ceramics have been engulfing most if not all of my free time but I have been absolutely enjoying it. I am excited to say that I have documented my entire month of festivities through pictures and cannot wait to share. So without further a due....
lets talk Valentines day!
Well, let me start off by saying that I tend to go absolutely nuts over this particular holiday... and this year was no exception! I was very fortunate that my loverboy was able to make it to Wilmington to spend it with me. Needless to say that we had an amazing day just spending some quality time together. I even managed to let my romantic side get the best of me when thinking of valentines day surprises...
Here are a few pictures of the valentines day goodies...
I made sure to make a
candy bouquet equipped with cute little sayings
because I just think that they are absolutely adorable!
I used a room with a projector so that I could play a little
project that I created...
Two days after Valentines Day I turned
THE BIG 2-1!!
My lovely roommates and boyfriend never seise to amaze me..
They woke me up right at 12:00am and surprised me with this lovely 21 basket
equipped with two shot glasses, glow sticks, a princess crown, and of
course legal alcoholic beverages. It was so thoughtful and awesome :)
I also snagged a few birthday smooches from this sweet boy...
The birthday festivities carried on until the weekend when I got
to celebrate with my wonderful family!
I am happy to announce that I am a new pandora bracelet owner
and absolutely loving it. Every family member picked out a charm
so it makes this gift near and dear to my heart.
Oh and did I mention that my birthday cake was delicious?
To make my birthday even more perfect I got to park in the second
spot in the parking garage... believe me I was super excited!
Now that I have recapped my entire February experience...
It is time to welcome the month of March with open arms! I cannot help but be excited about the Spring season, which I hope to fill with tennis games, picnics, and sundress attire. Ah I get so giddy just thinking about it... Anyways, Happy Tuesday!
Until next time,