Tis the season for...
cranking up the holiday tunes, snuggling up on the couch with a warm blanket and a cup of hot cocoa while enjoying a old time Christmas movie, for creating an atmosphere of glowing strings of lights, freshly green garland, and don't forget the mistletoe! Tis the season for peppermint bark, apple cider, and mittens!..BUT it is important not to forget the
sole purpose of the holiday season...tis the season for giving!
Welcome December. I am so happy that you are here
Today marks the official 25 days of Christmas.
Hanukkah too is just around the corner and I could not be more excited!
So now for the recap...
Since my last blog post I have been vacationing, barmitzvah-ing, and finishing up this tough semester with countless nights of cramming! Woo it feels so good to be back blogging again! I forgot how much of a stress reliever it is to just take some time to myself to reflect on my thoughts and memories! With that being said here is a few highlights of my crazy hectic beautiful life from these past few weeks...On November 20th Iwas so lucky to have witnessed my brother and cousin's bnei'mitzvah!
I am so proud of them they did such a great job! Here is a shot of the handsome newly pronounced "man" with my sister, dad, and I
Did I mention that the after party was AMAZING?
Here is a picture of the table set up in the beautiful Preston Wood ballroom
They even had huge balloons of their names over the arch!
I could not get over just how beautiful the ballroom looked
Here is the view when you first walk in...
I even managed to snag a picture of the "woman" of the night Samantha
and my pretty sister...
...as well as my handsome and charming date!
My mom looked so stunning!
After dancing the night away, it was time for baby Sarah to
take a load off!! I felt the same way after the night was over.
The following week was Thanksgiving break!
It was amazing to say the least... I was so excited to work at the Jive again and to see all of my favorite customers. I even got to work with Bryce almost everyday. Here is my Barista note (basically the paper that prints out at my station to tell me what drink to make) from Bryce himself.. I love my little side message! <3
I also got to babysit over break for one of my favorite families, the Ambrose's!
Here is a picture of the holiday graham cracker houses that we made
Ella and Sam making their tasty houses.. they wanted to eat them right away!
After the break was over it was time to come back to Wilmington. With exams approaching you would think that I would be studying 24-7 but last night was not the case. Instead to feed into my growing procrastination the roomies and I decided to bring a festive atmosphere to our apartment. :) It was the perfect way to enter the month of December! Below is a picture of our stocking...
We also added a new centerpiece for the kitchen table!
But my favorite addition was the garland and lights above the window.
It gives our apartment the perfect December feel! I love it!!
I even added some lights to my desk :)
Now the I have filled you all in...
It is study time!! With an exam today, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday I will be a busy busy girl but I will make time for myself to get back into what I love doing most, blogging!
I am welcoming this holiday season with open arms with plans to spend December amongst family and friends. I wish everyone a beautiful first day of the month and good luck on exams to those who are taking them!!!
Until Next time,