Friday, December 31, 2010


2010 was a year for...
   Being surrounded by the bestest friends a girl could ask for...
  ... for new friendships and new memories...
for being blessed with the most awesome roommates...
 who have made this year definitely one to remember...
a year for new accomplishments...that I never would 
have dreamed would be possible...
a year for a little bit of nerdiness...
 as well as a year for lovers...
  for smooches, hugs, and a new journey with the boy
who has stolen my heart... 
for family ties that will never be broken...
 for being blessed with new family memories and laughs...
 a year for milestones as well as disappointment...
 but also a year for family love that 
 can overcome everything and anything...
But most importantly,
... a year for living the life that I love with those who I love!
I am welcoming the new year with open arms. With hopes of new memories and new friendships.Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!
Bring on 2011! Cheers!
Until next year,

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