Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Warsaw, where lovers come to meet

Long distance relationships are tough.
 Enough said. They take a lot of dedication and perseverance. Forms of creative communication also help immensely. Skype, being one of them, is honestly the best greatest invention ever created! It has saved Bryce and I from going crazy without seeing each other. Yes, I know that we do see each other almost every weekend but it is hard to go through a stressful week without someone to lean on. I have such lovely friends and family but somethings are just healed by the loving embrace of a boyfriend. So how do we deal with this type of dilemma? Well...over the course of 2 months Bryce and I have come up with some ideas that keep our long distance relationship going and making the distance not feeling so lengthy. The most important thing to do in this type of relationship is to stay positive, look forward to the next time you will both be reunited. Personally, I love to plan out my weekend adventures during the week to keep me motivated and productive, which helps pass the time! Visits are the prime solution to keeping a long distance relationship going. Just last week Bryce and I had the best idea! Since we are 2 hours apart (about 120 miles) we both decided to have a halfway date
The lovely I-40 exit 364 
After our evening classes we both drove about an hour to exit 364 (about halfway) to grab dinner and to spend some time talking. It was the best idea I think we have ever had... it was just what I needed to make it through the rest of my week. But there was a downfall to our cleaver plan...and those of you who have visited exit 364 know exactly what i'm going to say... 
there is absolutely nothing to do in Warsaw. In this case we were forced to compromise! Nonetheless, we ate at the nearest fast food place and sat in our cars and talked for hours. It was such a cool idea and I highly recommend it to any long distance relationship! Bryce and I now have this on going joke that Warsaw is where lovers meet... in our case this is true :). Warsaw will always have a special place in my heart.
For more long distance relationship ideas to keep the love going
 check out this website!   
Hope this helps all you lovers out there :)
Until next time,

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