Happy Holidays my beautiful blogging friends!
Have you missed me? Because I have missed you all so, so much.
I know there are no excuses for why I have not been blogging
Let me start off by saying hallelujah my hardest semester of my undergraduate career is over...and boy I am sooooo glad!
With that being said let me just catch you up on the last few months of my life :)
I had the most marvelous Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Here are a few pictures from our Thanksgiving photo shoot
I was super excited to be around my friends and family
Thanksgiving was such a blast but there is nothing like Christmas.
I enjoy listening to the music, surrounding myself with the people that I love, and of course doing what I do best, shopping for holiday gifts.
I enjoy listening to the music, surrounding myself with the people that I love, and of course doing what I do best, shopping for holiday gifts.
With that being said it is no surprise that I have been diagnosed with a bad case of the post holiday blues. I cannot seem to shake it off but I suppose that I will just have to start the count down until Christmas and I meet again.
So what else is new? Well...
I have been drinking nothing but sparkling white grape juice this holiday season.
I am still addicted to collecting and using bobby pins
I have moved into a new apartment with the best roommates ever
I am still dating my goofball of a boyfriend and the love of my life Bryce :)
Hmm... OH and did I mention that I have
recently added a new obsession?
So let explain...
I normally do not like to add color to my lips because I have always thought it looked somewhat awkward on me, but recently I decided to give it a shot... I started off with a bolder color that I discovered over my Christmas break called Orange 7 by Bobbi Brown
(I decided to apply it super light to ease myself into its boldness)
What do you think? Pictured also is my mom with her own new obsession, her nook!
Ironically, over the past few months I have accumulated yet another lip obsession...
This time we are talking Chapstick.
Not just any lip balm, more like one in particular...
They not only hydrate my lips, but also come in the most unique packaging.
Bryce fed into my growing egg-shapped addiction for Christmas when he purchased my missing flavors.
Honeysuckle honeydew, medicated tangerine, and strawberry sorbet.
He even thought of a cleaver way to package them...
Anyways, enough of my blabbering.
What can I say, I am just so excited to be posting again :)
More to come soon, pinky promise!
Until next time,
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