Friday, November 5, 2010

Wishful Thinking

It is something that we all do on a daily basis
Whether we wish to be elsewhere, or wish to accomplish our dreams
Wishes are beautiful. And natural.
They are a big part of our lives, without them it would be nearly impossible to stay
Motivated and hopeful.
Remember those youth wishes of a new shiny red bike without training wheels,
your own personal pony, or in my case (don't laugh!) a chance to meet Mia Hamm?
Remember those hopeful teenage wishes regarding your high school crush
and how you wish that he will fall madly in love with you? 
Or that he would eventually ask you to the high school prom?
Remember the feeling of excitement in the presence of a dandelion
All just because they give you a chance to make a wish come true?
We have all experienced wishful thinking.
It is something that will stick with us until the end of time.
Whether our wishes in our growing years change or stay the same 
it is important to never give up on them as well as your dreams!
Who knows when they will come true...but only time will tell.
Stay Hopeful, Keep wishing.
Until next time,

"May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future"

"Dreams come true when you wake up in them..."
-Maurice Spees

"As you think, so you are. As you dream, so you become. 
As you create your wishes, so they create you."
-Wendy Garnett 

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