Hold onto your seats my loves
... its going to be a long entry today!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend! I know I did.
so without further a due,
Lets break it down...
Friday started off with a visit from this sweet boy.
Here we are showing off some Seahawk spirit.
We didn't even plan on matching.. :) it was fate.
On Saturday we ate at South College Deli
which was absolutely delicious...like it always is!
As you can see Bryce also really enjoyed it!
After lunch I decided to go on a spir of the moment
shopping expedition at Belk.
I even managed to snag a few pictures,
so I have to ask...Who wore it better?
Haha If you ask me, I have to admit that Bryce definitely
worked it and therefore wore it better. Who would have thought that you
could have so much fun in a department store?
I guess I just love how goofy we can be sometimes all of the time!!
Later that day we spent some time babysitting and relaxing,
Which was amazing.
Baby Gavin even made a new buddy.
Sunday then followed, which was by far the highlight of my weekend.
After several months of thought about what to be for Halloween,
Bryce and I finally decided to make this halloween a nerdy one!
Here are a few pictures of our costumes.
(Notice that we were in costume ALL day!)
Meet Margret Ann and Wellington, our new names for the day!
I really enjoyed embracing my inner nerd...
as well as sharing a few smooches with this handsome stud.
...by the way, nerdy smooches are simply the best.
After our Macbook photo shoot we decided to make a pit stop at Walmart
where we sported our costumes.
We had people laughing and staring thats for sure!
To end our perfect Halloween, we decided to go Nerd Bowling...
Lets just say that I was in desperate need of gutter blockers.
Bryce basically dominated me...
but hey... its okay I will make sure to bring my A game next time!
Despite my 2 game losing streak
Bowling was the best way to end an amazing Halloween weekend. I am so happy to have gotten the chance to spend it with my awesome friends, roommates, and boyfriend. It was a shame that it all had to come to an end. But if I could take one thing from this Halloween experience it is that it's okay to embrace the nerd within :)... we all have one whether we want to admit it or not. So make this week a dorky one!!!
Until next time,