"Life ain't always beautiful,
but it's a beautiful ride"
-Gary Allen
So recently...I have managed to drive everyone I love nuts!
How did I manage to do such a thing? Well...
After meeting with my advisor about my future plans I have been nothing less than stressed. My poor family and friends have been listening to my nonsense and have been putting up with my tears for the past few weeks. They have even attempted to piece back together my broken self esteem...All of this stress is due to my heavy work load from my classes as well as the stress of the approaching MCAT. I literally entered a state of panic. Needless to say that I was in desperate need of some R&R time as well as some good ol' momma's loving! How is it that Moms always know just the thing to make everything better?
Anyways...what I do know is that I am truly blessed to have the most amazing mother in the entire world.
Thank you Mom for being the bestest friend a gal could ask for.
You are my idol and my inspiration. I love you!
Now lets talk weekend fun...
It was perfect.
On Saturday, I went to the North Carolina State Fair with some amazing people.
We played the most impossible games (including the obnoxious ring toss game) , rode rides (the ferris wheel was my favorite), and ate, and when I say that we ate.. I mean we ate a lot! Too much if you ask me! Between all of us we managed to consume giant turkey legs, cotton candy, funnel cakes, ice cream, pizza, corn, and some good ol' BBQ! I probably gained 10 pounds but it was totally worth it! I just love the fair so it was the perfect way to spend my Saturday.
Sunday was a calm kind of day. I painted for most of it, which is such a great therapy! For dinner I was so excited to spend some time with the Kain family! On the car ride to Willow Spring (where they live) I managed to snag a few shots of the scenery.
This picture just gives me the perfect "Sunday feel"
We passed numerous farms, but this farm in particular made me chuckle from the "naked" look of the tobacco plants. Take a look below...funny huh?
After a great dinner with the Kain's,
Loverboy and I made a little pit stop at our special summer place
So to conclude this delayed blog post :) I would love to wish everyone a spooky and safe Halloween! Make sure to eat some candy corn or maybe just munch on some yummy pumpkin seed!! I am so excited to say that Bryce and I are going Nerd bowling :)... ahh its going to be a blast so stay tuned.
Until next time,